Just posted some new 3D art, a sword! It's pretty cool, spent a bit of time on this one.
If you want to see it, you can find it here >> http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/rob otronic94/3d-sword
Oh, and if you like any of my artwork, you can leave a comment on my page, or on the artwork's page itself. Thanks for reading!
it's ok... you need some practice.
<a href="http://www.tutorialized.com/">http://www.tutorialized.com/</a>
Try there for some good tutorials
And here is a site full or reference.
<a href="http://www.the-blueprints.com/">http://www.the-blueprints.com/</a>
I like to see more 3d artist on NG. I hope to see more in the future
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, the site you gave had no tutorials for Blender.
But thanks for the suggestion! Yeah, I'm pretty new to 3D art, as you can tell. But I hope to get some more art up very soon. 8D